#yanderes twst cat dance
How do you think the twist boys would react to Mc doing the “sad cat dance”? I like to think Cater more or less convinced Mc to do it for some baked goods from Trey or answers for hw. Thus it ended up gaining popularity and all the lovely boys find it- if you feel as if doing short HC for all the boys is to much pick y’a favorite 3. Pls and thank you!
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To think about who’s the most adept at recognizing and taking advantage of the trend would be the ones most eagerly on the internet:
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Cater Diamond 
“That’s it (Y/n)-chan! You look so cute in my uniform!”
He’s dressing you up in whatever he has on hand
He’s well aware he could ask Vil for something real cutesy
But he doesn’t want to miss the chance to post your little dance first
All the better to give everyone FOMO
He’s so excited to witness you in all your ‘sad cat glory’
Whether you're confident or embarrassed
He’s getting it all on video
And if you are willing to go far enough he’ll record another video just for himself
“C-cater this is kind of revealing, you’re not going to post this are you?”
“Whattt? No way, this is just for me.”
He’s definitely getting off to it later
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Idia Shroud
“I-its better than all the anime waifus before! I need more!”
He’s paying for more videos
Different cosplays to wear
Some are more revealing than others
It's often that he equates your every movement with that of an otome game
But now you are doing something exactly like it
For the time being, he’s pushing his embarrassment aside to fanboy over you
“Yes Yes! That's it (Y/n)! Now pout your lips just like that! Yes!”
He’s most definitely taking advantage of the opportunity
And don’t protest!
You said you were willing to help the vision 
So stop trying to run away
“I-idia this isn’t even the cat dance anymore–”
“Silence! Now do the dance!”
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Azul Ashengrotto 
“So you want me to do the dance in the Monstro Lounge’s uniform?”
“Yes..this would of course allow you to have a discount for your next couple visits.”
“Oh okay, that doesn’t sound too bad.”
It is bad
The camera in front of you isn’t the only one that's on you 
He’s got multiple set up and ready to go
Will he sell some of them…maybe
Will he keep the most scandalous?
Is it even a question
Other than that he’s going to sit back with fogged classes as you do the dance for him
Not only will this bring students flooding into the Monstro Lounge
But it’ll give him the piece of you to calm him when he’s making students suffer from their contracts because of their attempted connections with you
“I appreciate your business.”
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Queen & Chaos
An original Yandere Twst Fic.
Summary: In the Rose Kingdom, far but near, peaceful yet chaotic, a coup has overthrown its original Queen of Hearts, leaving her throne vacant and no later filled by Riddle Rosehearts, a young yet powerful mage with a ruthlessness as sharp as any blade, but the hidden sceptre he keeps near him is what terrifies people the most.
With the smile of a Cheshire cat and a glimmer of madness made only for the Hatter, You stand in-between the chaos of this Twisted world as if you're dancing to a tune only you can hear.
Pairing: Yandere Riddle X FemReader
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Chapter one
Riddle woke up to the sound of thudding outside his room. The walls of his castles trembling at what seemed to be a rhythm of marching soldiers.
His eyes fluttered open and saw the ceiling first, his limbs heavy and mouth dry. He tried moving his body but found that he could not.
Instantly, his mind went back to the tea party he had earlier that day and he bitterly decided that someone had spiked his usual tea with some sort of paralyzer.
"How dare they?" The words screamed in his head, and though he had no control over his own expression, Riddle was scowling internally.
Once he knew the culprits,it would be off with their heads.
When the marching stopped and the door to his bedroom swung opened, Riddle heard a familiar voice; The current Knight Commander's.
"Is he awake?" Asked a voice Riddle couldn't recognized, hushed and timid.
The Knight Commander strode to the side of his bed,eyes narrowing at the sight of the immobile Riddle.
"He is."
There was a silence before the second voice spoke up again, somehow a tad louder and filled with rejoice.
"Then, we've done it?" They said "We've subdued the Queen of Hearts?"
A string of cheers came after that, and Riddle felt the rush of his own blood boiling within his veins. To think that there would be those who would oppose of his ruling...Riddle partially held the blame to himself. He should've been more aware. Should've kept a tighter leash on his people.
The frustration must've shown on his face somehow, because the Knight Commander seemed to hold a pitiful look in his stern eyes when he stared down at him then.
"Forgive me." Was what Riddle heard as the man took out a small dagger and placed it against Riddle's throat.
He pressed hard into his skin, would've slit his throat in that moment if the footsoldiers at the door entrance hadn't suddenly started dancing.
The Knight Commander turned his head to the group, puzzlement in his gaze as he told them to stop.
"What are you doing? The mission isn't over yet! This is no time to celebrate!"
"W-We're not,Sir!" Said one of the soldiers before he did a turn and linked his arm with another.
"We can't seem to control our bodies!"
The Knight Commander then whipped his head back to Riddle, a look of panic residing in his features.
He wanted to speak but his train of thoughts were cut off by a laugh that echoed through the halls.
"What do we have here,I wonder?" You waltzed into the room via the strings of dancing soldiers almost effortlessly. Steps light and quick whilst you switched from soldier to soldier until you came to the foot of Riddle's bed and gave the Knight Commander a curtsy as a finishing touch.
The man looked to you with a mix of disdain and horror. The realization of his mistake dawning on him harshly.
"Curiouser,and curiouser" You murmured, thoughtfully before your gaze went up to Riddle's stiff form and a smile graced your lips.
"Did the Queen of Hearts got pushed into a stalemate? I would've never thought I'd see the day, really. You're full of surprises aren't you,Your Highness?"
Your words are playful. A lilt of fondness and admiration laced in a twisted obsession.
Yes. The Knight Commander had forgotten one important detail in his meticulous plan. He had omitted your existence, and that truly was an unfortunate choice.
After all, how could a Queen rule without her sceptre?
"I would applaud you, Sir" You said, turning promptly to the Knight Commander who immediately placed his hand on the hilt of his sword while the one with the dagger tightened, its blade pressing into the nub of Riddle's throat.
Something in your stomach churned at the sight of it all. Seeing how Riddle looked ever so defenceless and how a man of great esteem was risking his and many other lives to ensue the end of a tyrannical rule.
You felt like crying. Oh,how pitiful.
How exciting.
"But I don't think an applause is what you're after"
"I am after the rights of the people" He snapped "The right to have a ruler who would not run their people down to the ground at the slightest hint of disobedience."
"Oh?" You nodded your head, an empty habit rather than an understanding gesture. "You sound so serious all of the sudden...Tell me,were you planning on killing him?"
You trailed your gaze back to Riddle,then felt the silence given to you by the Knight Commander as a form of a 'Yes'.
"Well,you can." You said "I'd let you do just that if that's what you really desire."
Riddle didn't have to say anything then for you to know he was cursing your disloyalty at the moment. The way his chest heaved heavily was already a sign of his great displeasure.
But alas, you were simply making an offer. He didn't need to be so ruffled up. He wasn't going to die, yet.
"How about it?" You prompted with your hands held in the air, surrendering. The smile you wore was so genuine, so very absent of ill intent, and yet the Knight Commander couldn't help but flinch from it. The bitter taste of cruelty dripping from the way your eyes seemed to glaze over.
"What are you implying?"
"Come now. Didn't I say it already? If that's the greatest desire you have, then I'll let you fulfill it."
"You're going to let him die?" The Knight Commander scoffed, "I know who you are, and if your reputation exceeds you then you would never let him die."
Your heart did a small flutter at that. A tinge of embarrassment causing your cheeks to flush. Did your dedication seem too vivid? Oh, how unsightly.
"He is my Queen,yes. That much is true, but in speaking of this current matter, I wouldn't really be letting him die if you agreed to my offer"
You placed your hands behind your back, stealing a quick glance at Riddle who still seemed under the influence of the drug.
"What offer?"
Your lips smiled at the question. You really thought he was going to draw out this conversation with how stoic he was, which would've ended this whole dilemma quickly since then you would've been annoyed and killed the entire group yourself.
"Oh, it's a promising one!", Your hands clapped together as you cheered this out, before the lightness of your demeanor disappeared and the room suddenly fell into a dark disposition. A swell of tension and cruelty intertwined.
"You're free to kill him and bring peace to your people as you said you would, but then I get to have your men. The entire battalion. Your army of dutiful soldiers would be my collection of dancing nutcrackers. Fair deal, isn't it?"
It was such a quick shift of mood, that when the Knight Commander hurled his sword in your direction, you almost thought you'd lose your head.
"Are you mad?" He yelled, breathless and ragged. You smiled at him oddly,head tilting.
"I'm not." You replied then grinned half heartedly. "But you seem to be filled to the brim with it,don't you? Your eyes are flaring, Commander."
"Do you think I would give my people to you? Do you take me as a desperate fool?" The tip of his sword glistened maliciously in your face, and you estimated that if he moved toward you then you'd have no chance of deflecting.
"Well, what did you expect? The price of a Queen would be an entire army wouldn't it? How could I give away something so valuable without expecting anything in return?".
"I refuse." The Knight Commander growled,his expression taut and etched with a sort of rage that had you frowning in annoyance.
"Won't you think it over a bit more at least? Your men would die if you don't choose a side."
Ah,that seemed to catch his attention, didn't it? A small smile formed on your lips and you nodded your head again.
"It's obvious isn't it? If you choose to kill the Queen in exchange for your men, then at least one group would walk to see another day. Oh,but if you refused, then you'd all die. Which is a shame. You know I've always wanted a set of toy soldiers ever since I was young"
The force of the blade coming at you was overwhelming, but quick to slither away, you stepped within the circle of the dancing soldiers and had one of them take the first slice of the blade.
The blood curdling scream escaping the poor soldier caused the Knight Commander to seize his attack, as he watched one of his men fall the ground with a dull thud. The deep crimson of his blood soaking the wooden boards.
He stared, horrified at what he'd done before his gaze lifted and he flared his anger in your direction.
Though, when he began to move forward, you were frowning and seemed to be glaring back at him.
Or rather,behind him.
"Enough of your games."
The Knight Commander spun around a second too late as Riddle snatched the dagger from his hand and thrusted it into the nape of his neck. His cold rage tinting the grey in his eyes as he stared the man down from where he stood on his bed.
Riddle felt the last shred of energy he had left him in the breath he took to calm his nerves, and as the Knight Commander began struggling to take the blade out, he fell back onto his mattress.
"Clean this up,____" You heard him mutter out, the sound of your name on his tongue making it harder for you to stay irritated at the fact he'd ruin your fun.
Letting out a sigh, you pursed your lips.
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